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Legal & Policy

Let's be honest, nobody likes this. You are here on this page because you needed something. We'll do our best to make it quick and painless. Please contact support if what you're looking for is not here.

Company details

ShadowTrackr is part of van Schaik Ltd. and registered as a business in Hong Kong under company number 2299449. Why Hong Kong? Imagine facebook or Google starting today in Europe. The overhead costs are high and you get rules that nobody wants like the terrible cookie law. All work is done remote anyway so we don't really care about location. Hong Kong is business friendly and not as shady as those tiny tropical islands. We have audits by accountants and properly report our stuff to autorities. So far, things are fine in HK. If that ever changes, we'll just set up shop somewhere else. Since we don't run any infrastructure in the country where the legal HQ is by design, we can guarantee a smooth transition if this ever happens.

Payment details

The default is automatic monthly credit card payments that we run through Stripe. Stripe is awesome, they allow us to focus on the real stuff and handle all the payment details and invoicing for us. Some bigger companies require to work with purchase orders. Since these are mostly in Europe, we have a European bank account with an IBAN number. If you need to follow this route, please contact us.

Security policy

As a cybersecurity company, we value security. Actual security. If you find a hole in our stuff please mail us and we'll buy you beer (or a fermented yoghurt drink if that is your thing). Some organizations require that we as a supplier comply with their preferred standard. If reasonably possible, we'll try to do your standard. We are currently compliant with the Baseline Informatiebeveiliging Overheid (Dutch government security baseline), which is an implementation of NEN-ISO/IEC 27001:2017 and ISO/IEC 27002:2017.

Privacy Policy

We value your privacy. We secure the stuff you store with us, don't sell your data and we'll forget all about you the moment you click delete my data. However, we do not like paperwork. So here's our template-generated required-by-the-Play-Store privacy policy

Carbon footprint

One purchasing department asked us about working sustainable and climate neutral. In short: we love trees and nature and such. All work is done remotely which means no fancy office building and no daily commute. When possible we locate servers and nodes in datacentres with a green policy. Most are located at Equinix and Telstra, which have these policies:

Equinix Green by Design
Telstra Exchange Green Initiatives 2018

Unfortunately the choice is not always easy. We want a reasonable spread of nodes around the world. One node currently runs in a datacentre that has no green policy that we know of. Worst case this node is ruining the environment at about 23 kWh per year. Hopefully we'll be able to improve this in the future.
